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Working Styles

Influencing According to Style Preference

Classroom Workshop (1 day)

Workshop Description

This workshop is designed to help leaders and associates build better relationships. Driven by emotional intelligence (E.Q.), participants learn a set of behaviors proven to reduce interpersonal tension. With less tension, communication flows more easily increasing the chance of greater productivity. E.Q. initially focused on awareness of oneself and awareness of others’ emotions. This workshop turns such awareness into meaningful action. One of the most practical tools of E.Q. is Versatility (social endorsement). In a practical sense, it means learning to get in sync with others. Participants practice flexing their style to match the preferences of their co-workers. During the session, participants receive a personalized Social Style Profile that includes both a self-perception score and feedback from co-workers, team members, and others to whom they ask for feedback. Attendees learn that there is no best style. Instead, they explore what it means to earn “endorsement” in interactions with others. This means tensions are reduced during interactions. The result is a better working relationship. These interpersonal strategies increase the odds of a happier, more productive workforce.


  • Understand how your working style interacts with different working styles
  • Understand how others perceive you
  • Learn how your style’s strengths can be enhanced in order to be more productive
  • Become aware of your style’s weaknesses and how they hinder relationships
  • Improve collaborative efforts by learning to adapt to others’ styles in order to reduce stress

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Our focus is skill-building. Each workshop is model-based and practice-driven. 
This is accomplished by * Pre-work and Self-assessment  * Using a “tell-show-do-feedback” methodology * Completing skill practices in each module * Personalized feedback * Ending each module with an action-plan and post-assessment